Take advantage of our stock video library, chock full of gorgeous moving images from Pexels and Pixabay. Stock videos are integrated right into the editor in the same place you find stock photos, so you can drop ’em into your social posts, ads, emails — pretty much anything you're making in PicMonkey.
To learn more about designing with video check out: Bring Your Designs to Life with Video!
Choose from a variety of video clips
You’ll find all types and styles of videos from Pexels and Pixabay. Beach waves crashing to trains rushing by, hand washing demos to “like and subscribe” interstitials for your YouTube videos— even abstract moving colors and lights to add a subtle bit of motion to your design’s background. The videos are all different lengths, some have audio, and PicMonkey allows you to trim the length and adjust the volume as you like.
And you can crop the video! No other tool lets you crop a video this easily (obvs we're pretty excited about that!)
Use Crop layer in the Video Tools menu to change the shape of your video. Use Trim to remove frames from the front or back end of the clip.
Access stock videos in PicMonkey
In the PicMonkey editor, access the stock photo library by selecting the Photos & Video tab in the blue column on the left, then click VIDEOS at the top of the panel.
You can search by keyword or topic, or scroll to browse. When you hover your cursor over the video thumbnail you can preview its motion and audio if it has sound. Click the video to add as a layer on your canvas. Or, drag and drop the video clip onto the background layer to set the video as your background. Note that you can add multiple video clips to one design.
To learn all about using video clips in your PicMonkey designs, please see Bring Your Designs to Life with Video! blog article and tutorial.
Use stock videos in a template
Use our design templates to start your next project, and instead of swapping in a photo, try a video in your design instead. We like that video can be used much like a still image in your designs, and we super like that posts and ads with video get twice the views as their still counterparts.
Open a template in PicMonkey. Go to the stock video library to search or browse for a clip. Just drag and drop the video into the template element that you want to replace. To get a more precise size you can crop the video yourself and then move it into place.